17th January, 2012: The Government of Karnataka submitted a concept note to the Department of Economic Affairs, Government of India for developing 2000-3000 km of Core Road Network (CRN) with proposed 2nd loan of US$ 500 million from ADB |
26th May, 2012: ADB 2nd Loan Finance Plus proposal was submitted to Secretary, DEA by GoK |
21st December, 2012: Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), GOI has given concurrence for a 2nd ADB loan of US$ 350 Million for KSHIP III in the 27th Meeting of the Screening Committee |
22nd February, 2013: Department of Economic Affairs vide its letter dated 22nd February, 2013 has given approval for ADB IInd loan of US$ 350 Million for KSHIP III |
7th March, 2013: 1st Tripartite Review Meeting of Asian Development Bank for KSHIP-III Project was held on 7th March 2013 |
April, 2013: 1st Reconnaissance Mission of Asian Development Bank for KSHIP-III Project was held in April 2013 |
2nd to 3rd September, 2013: 2nd Reconnaissance Mission of Asian Development Bank for KSHIP-III Project was held on 2nd and 3rd September 2013 |
11th November, 2013: 2nd Tripartite Review Meeting of Asian Development Bank for KSHIP-III Project was held on 11th November 2013 |
23rd November, 2013: Feasibility Study for a road length of 4403 kms of State Highways selected out of the Class 'A' category roads of 9078 kms of the approved CRN was taken up. This was further curtailed to 3400 kms excluding the two Corridors no. CNS3 & CEW 30 owing to upgradation of a length of 1003 km of SHs to National Highway. The Feasibility Study has been carried out for Seven Corridors. M/s Infrastructure Development Corporation (Karnataka) Ltd (iDeCK) engaged vide Government order GO No PWD 41 EAP 2013 dated 23rd November, 2013 have carried out the Feasibility Study of the roads posed under KSHIP III. On the basis of the Feasibility Study, under Priority I, 1362 kms have been shortlisted for Detailed Project Report & development with the ADB- financial assistance of USD 350 million USD under KSHIP III on DBFOT (Annuity) basis |
24th to 25th February, 2014: 3rd Reconnaissance Mission of Asian Development Bank for KSHIP-III Project was held on 24th and 25th February 2014 |
19th July, 2014: 4th Reconnaissance Mission of Asian Development Bank for KSHIP-III Project was held on 19th July 2014. ADB’s Concept Approval for this project has been received in July, 2014 |
30th October, 2014: Hon. Minister, KPWD has given approval to proposal for preparation of DPR for 1362 kms identified in the Feasibility Study submitted by IDeCK on 30th October, 2014 |
14th November 2014: Consequently, the list of roads proposed for KSHIP III has received the approval of the competent authority of the Project, the Steering Committee under the Chairmanship of the Principal Secretary to Govt., PWP&IWTD. The Steering Committee of KSHIP in the 65th meeting held on 14th November, 2014 |
10th December 2014: The Project Governing Board in the 29th meeting held on 10th December, 2014 has approved the Priority I list of roads finalized above for DPR and implementation under KSHIP III |
March 2015: Approval for award of DPR-TA consultants is provided by 68th Meeting of PSC after following two stage process of EoI and RFP evaluation. |
July, 2015: Consultants were mobilised in July, 2015, namely, M/s CDM Smith-Crisil JV (Group-I Projects) & M/s ICT-PwC JV (Group-II Projects) at a cost of around 31 Crores (US$ 5 Mn) approximately. Out of total length of project roads of 1362 Kms, Group-I covered 696 Kms and Group-II covered 666 Kms. The Detailed Project Reports are in final stages of preparation |
20th July, 2015: The ADB has approved Project Preparatory Technical Assistance (PPTA) as grant under TA no.8691-IND for KSHIP III with an amount not exceeding Rs 3.72 Crore (600,000 USD) with the objective to build on the DPRs prepared and to make the necessary checks and changes suitable for meeting ADB's requirements. The ADB has appointed Ecorys-Feedback Joint Venture as the PPTA consultants and the services have commenced from 20th July, 2015 |
July, 2015: The ADB team visited for initial discussions with KSHIP and consultants appointed |
August, 2015: DPR Review Committee Meeting to review the project implementation procedures and highlighted in the Inception report submitted by the DPR-TA consultants |
September, 2015: DPR Review Committee Meeting with PPTA and DPR-TA consultants in order to finalize the assumptions feeding into the Financial Model for the Project |
21st to 22nd September, 2015: ADB Reconnaissance Mission visited on 21st and 22nd September, 2015 to monitor progress of the projects. |
21st October, 2015 DPR Review Committee meeting with PPTA and DPR-TA consultants in order to finalize the Economic and Social sector assessment study |
November, 2015: DPR Review Committee Meeting with PPTA and DPR-TA consultants in order to prepare the Model Bidding Documents for KSHIP-III projects |
December, 2015: DPR Review Committee Meeting to review project preparation and progress achieved by the DPR-TA consultants |
14th to 21st December, 2015: ADB Reconnaissance Mission visited between 14th to 21st December to track progress of the projects. |
21st December, 2015: Wrap-up meeting of ADB Reconnaissance Mission with the DEA was held on 21st December, 2015 |
December, 2015: ADB International Business Opportunity Seminar at Delhi used to showcase upcoming KSHIP-III projects |
January, 2016: DPR Review Committee Meeting with PPTA and DPR-TA consultants in order to finalize the modalities for procurement of the Independent Engineer |
January, 2016: Legal review of modalities for Land Acquisition for KSHIP-III projects |
February, 2016: Invest Karnataka 2016 Summit at Bangalore used to showcase upcoming KSHIP-III projects |
February, 2016: Legal review of KSHIP-III contract documents by DPR-TA consultants |
15th to 23rd February, 2016: ADB Reconnaissance Mission visited between 15th to 23rd February to review Social and Economic Impact Assessments prepared by the DPR-TA consultants for KSHIP-III Projects. |
23rd February, 2016: Meetings with Principal Secretary, PWD and Principal Secretary, Finance Department, ADB on budgetary provision on 23rd February 2016 |
24th February, 2016: Wrap-up meeting of ADB Reconnaissance Mission with the DEA was held on 24th February, 2016 |
March, 2016: DPR Review Committee Meeting with the Finance Department on KSHIP-III Projects as part of KSHIP enquiry on budget availability for KSHIP-III |
23rd March, 2016: 77th Project Steering Committee meeting for the recommendation of the KSHIP-III project aspects including all agendas |
April, 2016: ADB International Business Opportunity Seminar at Hyderabad used to showcase upcoming KSHIP-III projects |
28th to 29th April 2016: ADB Staff Consultant-Climate Change Expert had visited KSHIP on 28th and 29th April, 2016 to discuss addressal of climate change issues of the project |
May 2016: Land Acquisition through Direct Purchase process has been initiated |
25th May 2016, Interim review was conducted by Asian Development Bank on 25th on KSHIP III Projects |
31st May 2016: Cabinet Approval has been accorded for Direct Purchase of land for public purpose projects, including for road construction projects |
6th June, 2016: 33rd Project Governing Board meeting for the recommendation of the KSHIP-III project aspects including all agendas |
21st to 30th June, 2016: ADB fact finding mission for final review of KSHIP-III Project |
29th August, 2016: Meeting chaired by ACS, FD to discuss Project Financing, Cost Benefit Analysis, Project Structure and Project revenue generation options for KSHIP III roads |
November, 2016: ADB Reconnaissance mission for review of KSHIP-III Project |
16th November, 2016: Approval for Budget, Project Costing and Project Packaging from Finance Department, Government of Karnataka |
January, 2017: Approval received from ADB on Bid Documents |
1st February, 2017: 81st PSC has approved proposal for tolling and wayside amenities for KSHIP III project roads post construction |
10th February, 2017: Bids launched through Karnataka e-procurement portal |
March, 2017: ADB Reconnaissance mission for review of KSHIP-III Project |
10th March, 2017: First Pre-Bid meeting held |
31st March, 2017: Approval for Entitlement Matrix from Finance Department, Government of Karnataka |
19th April, 2017: Issue of RFP for Independent Engineer services for all 3 packages scheduled |
April, 2017: NGO were mobilized |
9th May, 2017: Responses to Pre-Bid queries from bidders uploaded on e-procurement portal |
15th June, 2017: 34th Project Governing Board meeting for approval of KSHIP III subjects, including those for Project Costing, Packaging, Entitlement Matrix which were deferred by 33rd PGB for want of Finance Department, GoK opinion |
14th August, 2017: Bids for 3 civil works packages received |
17th August, 2017: : Opening of Technical bids |
21st September, 2017: Extension for project preparation period obtained in 75th Meeting of the Screening Committee of DEA |
19th October, 2017: Technical Evaluation recommended by 84th PSC for sharing ADB for No-Objection |
19th October, 2017: VfM reviewed and recommended by 84th PSC for placing before PGB |
23rd October, 2017: Loan negotiation with ADB for KSHIP-III completed |
13th November, 2017: G.O. issued on LA and R&R Principles and Policy Framework and Entitlement Matrix for KSHIP III |
8th December, 2017: ADB Board Meeting has approved KSHIP-III projects loan. |
28th December, 2017: Cabinet approval has been accorded for KSHIP-III ADB 2nd Loan projects |
15th January, 2018: ADB No-Objection on Technical Evaluationand to open Financial Bids |
18th January, 2018: Approval from Finance Department, GoK on VFM thresholds for KSHIP III projects |
22nd January, 2018: G.O. issued for constitution of District level Grievance Redressal Committee for KSHIP III |
25th January, 2018: 35thPGB, approval accorded to Technical evaluation and to open Financial Bids |
27th January, 2018: Financial Bids opened on e-procurement |
2nd February, 2018: Financial Bid Evaluation by Evaluation Committee of PIU |
23rd February, 2018: No-Objection from ADB to negotiate with lowest evaluated bidders |
2nd March, 2018: G.O. for Negotiation Committee issued after due approval from CS, GoK |
3rd March, 2018: 1st Negotiation Meeting with Lowest Evaluated Bidders |
9th March, 2018: Lowest Evaluated Bidders submitted justifications for bids |
16th March, 2018: G.O. issued for constitution of Project Steering Committee for KSHIP III project |
16th March, 2018: G.O. issued for constitution of Project Governing Board for KSHIP III project |
17th March, 2018: 36 PGB for review of Financial Bids and outcome of Negotiation Meeting |
19th March, 2018: 2nd Negotiation Meeting with Lowest Evaluated Bidders |
20th March, 2018: G.O. issued exempting KSHIP III project from Direct Purchase ceiling limit |
21st March, 2018: Revised offers received from Lowest Evaluated Bidders |
28th March, 2018: 37th PGB Meeting to review negotiated financial bids originally scheduled |
12th April, 2018: Screening Committee Meeting headed by CS, GoK reviewed and approved the proposal to seek concurrence from the Election Commission to proceed with the processing of tenders for KSHIP-III ADB 2nd Loan projects, given the advanced stage of the project progress |
20th April, 2018: Direction received from Election Commission to defer the processing of tenders till 15th May 2018 |
22nd May, 2018: 37th PGB Meeting approved the negotiated offers within thresholds and directed for award post seeking No-Objection from ADB. |
25th May, 2018: No-Objection from ADB for Notification of Awards for all three packages 3 of KSHIP III (ADB 2nd Loan) Civil works contracts |
29th May, 2018: LoA issued to Lowest Evaluated Bidder for Package 2 and Package 3 of KSHIP III (ADB 2nd Loan) Civil works contracts |
11th June, 2018: LoA issued to Lowest Evaluated Bidder for Package 1 of KSHIP III (ADB 2nd Loan) Civil works contracts |
30th August 2018: Loan Agreement and Project Agreement signing |
14th November 2018: Loan effectiveness declared |
18th January 2019: Concession Agreement signed for Package-2 & Package -3 |
20th February 2019: Concession Agreement signed for Package-1 |
30th October 2019: Supplementary agreement 1 signed for Package-1, 2 & 3 |
04th February 2020: Supplementary agreement 2 signed for Package-2 |
12th February 2020: Appointed date declared for Package-2 |
27th February 2020: Supplementary agreement 2 signed for Package-3 |
12th March 2020: Appointed date declared for Package-3 |
1st July 2020: Appointed date declared for Package-1 |
16th July 2020: Supplementary agreement 2 signed for Package-1 |
20th July 2020: Milestone-1 target date for Package-2 (Extension of Time is being deliberated by PIU-KSHIP) |
19th August 2020: Milestone-1 target date for Package-3 (Extension of Time is being deliberated by PIU-KSHIP) |
7th December 2020: Milestone-1 target date for Package-1 (Extension of Time is being deliberated by PIU-KSHIP) |
18th December 2020: Milestone-1 completed for Package-2 |
30th December 2020: Milestone -1 payment released to the Package-2 concessionaire. |
13-14th January 2021: First e-Tripartite Portfolio Review Meeting of 2021. |
11th February 2021: Extension of time approved by ADB for Package-1 |
22nd February 2021: Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) published for ISO 9001:2015 & SO 14001:2015 Certification |
23rd February 2021: Supplementary Agreement-3 Signed for Package-1 |
22-26th February 2021: Project Review Mssion (Virtual)-ADB conducted online Project Review through Microsoft Teams |
07th March 2021: Milestone-1 completed for Package-1 |
18th March 2021: Milestone -1 payment released to the Package-1 Concessionaire |
19th March 2021: Extension of time approved by ADB for Package-3 |
28th April 2021: Supplementary agreement 3 signed for Package-3 |
15th May 2021: Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) published for procurement of Road Safety Audit Consultancy Services. |
05th June 2021: Milestone-2 achieved for Package-2. |
7th June 2021: ADB's approval obtained for issue of RFP to shortlisted firms for “Consultancy Services for Documentation to obtain ISO 14001:2015 Certification to Sixty-One (61 Nos.) KPWD offices under KSHIP-III Project”. |
7th June 2021: ADB's approval obtained for issue of RFP to shortlisted firms for “Consultancy Services for Documentation to obtain ISO 9001:2015 Certification to Two Hundred and forty-seven (247 Nos) KPWD Sub Divisional offices/offices under KSHIP-III Project” |
8th June 2021: Launch of RFP for “Consultancy Services for Documentation to obtain ISO 9001:2015 Certification to Two Hundred and forty-seven (247 Nos) KPWD Sub Divisional offices/offices under KSHIP-III Project” on the E-procurement portal of Karnataka. |
8th June 2021: Launch of RFP for “Consultancy Services for Documentation to obtain ISO 14001:2015 Certification to Sixty-One (61 Nos.) KPWD offices under KSHIP-III Project” on the E-procurement portal of Karnataka. |
21st June 2021:
Pre-bid meeting held with potential Bidders for the following:
- Consultancy Services for Documentation to obtain ISO 9001:2015 Certification to Two Hundred and forty-seven (247 Nos) KPWD Sub Divisional offices/offices under KSHIP-III Project
- Consultancy Services for Documentation to obtain ISO 14001:2015 Certification to Sixty-One (61 Nos.) KPWD offices under KSHIP-III Project
29th June 2021: Milestone -2 payment released to Package-2 concessionaire. |